Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Time is a peculiar concept...Father Time, 'Give it some time', 'Only time will tell', 'This time around...' Even the word is odd. Say it enough times and you begin to question the English language, and the person who invented words at all. Think of it conceptually and your brain become muddled with the absurdity that time really is: The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole...a non spatial continuum...a measurable period of action or non-action. Time~ can be bittersweet.

People you were close with at one time move on.
What seems abominable at present is just a faint memory after some time...
You live and you love, but sometimes it's not enough. Sometimes it is.
The future seems so bright and far off, but given some time, it's here and now; the things you want to stay the same change, and the ones you long to change stay the same.
Time is supposed to heal, but sometimes it creates a gaping void that cannot be filled in with anything at all.

I suppose all those cliches are true---Time really can tell, and it certainly alters ones perspective. Things change with time, and so do people.   
Time can be a positive passing of existence, or it can simply cause us to look back at what we wish we still had, or long for what we hope to have in some far off place.

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