Monday, May 23, 2011

I know it's a normal experience, but it still gets me every time.
I crave something alllllllll day, or alllllll week or even for months, and after I satisfy my appetite for it, the mere bubble-thought of it repulses me such as milk turns away a lactose intolerant man who's eaten 14 pints of ice cream
For instance, our town got a Jimmy John's not long ago, and I'd been saving the french bread and sprouts experience for the exactly opportune time, which I concluded to be my birthday week. Well, I got insatiably hungry in stats today, and concluded I could have a birthday double-week; therefore I went to the place of free smells directly from class---meaning I shot out of my class, into my car, and one measly 1/2 block down the road in about 1 minute.
I ate my JJ's, a #6, while driving, in roughly 6 minutes, probably amusing one too many drivers, seeing a ginger nomming un-ladylike on a gourmet sub sandwich with '80s inspired sunglasses on, listening to Real Rock. It was quite delicious, till about half way through; then it got rather a chore to eat this monotonous card and veggie loaf.
I don't want Jimmy John's again for an eon. My throat feels like mayonnaise is coating it like pipe cleaner to a cruddy shower drain. When I think 'alfalfa sprouts', my gelatinous-encompassed throat closes up and my stomach churns like an old milk maids butter maker.
I don't want any more gourmet subs for a while. I'll be ok with the Free Smells, as they advertise.

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