Sunday, May 15, 2011

Graduation Glasses

There is a concept that I was recently introduced to by a dear friend: she called it 'Graduation Glasses'. When you 'graduate' from a situation, you tend to want to be in that particular situation once again, even though while you were in the situation itself, you were clearly unhappy. You look back and remember the good before the bad, even though you recognize that the bad existed.
This is a fascinating theory to me, and I realize I choose to wear these glasses a lot. I regret they way I've acted in the past, and wish I could go back and change things---however, upon further consideration, I realize I'm probably going to regret my regret, and consequently the cycle will continue until I am regretting regretting the regret that I once had, and will no longer have any sense of living in the present at all.
In conclusion, I know I'm not perfect: I am going to act how I act, and if it causes regret, there's not much I can do. But I'm not going to analyze my every current mood and position in hopes to cancel any regret I may have in the future, for that is not living---that is robbing yourself of a life.

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