Saturday, July 16, 2011


Have you ever had coconut water?
Sounds delicious, does it not?
Associated with coconut are things like macaroons, pina coladas, and a romanticized desire to stick a hot pink straw into a coconut directly as to suck the sweet milk out, while lying on a sugar sand beach somewhere.
Coconut water is super nasty. Despite all the vitamins it provides and the deceivingly adventurous and exotic idealistic images it demonically plants in minds of those who have not fallen to it's grotesque-ness, coconut water is more or less like drinking unfiltered, cloudy city water from a run down rusty faucet in the Bronx. And if you're lucky, they'll have tried to mask the flavor with artificial and hardly sweet pineapple and citrus flavors that taste like candles. MMMM.
So the next time you see coconut water on the Target shelf market down to $2.08---there was a reason for the discount, and please forgo the temptation to live on the wild side and stick with a Sobe.

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